Okay, first you need to understand the nature of Valparaiso University. My freshman year, VU was ranked #1 in homophobia among the 331 "best" colleges in the nation by the Princeton Review. Numerous Lutherans (not notorious for their crazy, liberal ways) have sent letters to the student newspaper stating that they would never recommend VU to high school students because it's full of bigoted assholes. More or less. This was a column that appeared in the student paper The Torch, of which I am an editor. The writer is a sophomore (and member of ROTC) named Erin Krueger.
Observances on the liberal leanings on campus
By the end of this article you may think I hate this school, but in all actuality I really do like it here. Have any of you noticed how far left-winged this school has become? This is why I say this.
First, we have a gay and lesbian group on campus. Maybe I misread the part of the Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah. Weren’t those cities burnt to a crisp because of homosexuality? Don’t believe me? Look it up yourself; it is in the “Good Book.” If you are one of those people who say the Old Testament doesn’t hold true, then why don’t you read 1Corinthians 6:9-10 – it condemns homosexuality there too, along with other areas of the New Testament. If you want more Bible passages, go to the following web site: http://www.bible.com/answers/ahomosex.html. This is a Lutheran school. If homosexuals wanted a support group, they should have gone to a school that wasn’t as supportive of the Bible.
Also in this category falls the university’s policy on recognizing and funding student organizations. Last year, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship members tried to get their group recognized by Student Senate so they could receive money from the school, and they were denied. They were refused this right because they were too self sufficient. However, when the motion was on the floor, discussion occurred about their policy, which states that an openly homosexual person cannot be a leader in their organization. Homosexuality is a sin, and the Bible says hate the sin and not the sinner. Not everyone runs around and announces all their sins to the world, so why should a person who openly flaunts their sin in public be given any special privilege? Since this is a Lutheran university, shouldn’t the groups who support the Lutheran doctrine get the money, and not the ones who totally go against it?
Third, the school now wants to get a new pastor to replace the Rev. David Kehret who doesn’t necessarily have to be ordained. If we went with a non-ordained pastor, that means we could end up with a female preacher. I have a huge issue with that, because the Bible says that the male is supposed to be the head of the family. Since the church is seen as a family, it would seem the head of a church should be male as well. The following is a web site for you to look at to see Bible quotes of where it says that women should not be the head of the family: http://www.bible.com/answers/awomemin.html.
My fourth complaint is with the fact that Alliance is trying to get a senate seat. Since I am white, come from a “decent” family and am not a minority in any respect, I am under-represented in the senate. Right now, I am only represented by six senators, while if I was a minority student, I would have eight senators. I am OK with that – just because they are minorities. Seriously, do the gay people really need to be represented in senate? There are maybe 30 gays on this campus. Just because they choose to be a minority, they deserve this seat? I think not. Heck, since my ethnicity used to be persecuted in early U.S. history, do I get a seat in senate to represent all of us Irish folks? No, I don’t, and personally I think there are a lot more Irish people on this campus than gay people. Just because you want to openly flaunt your sins to the world doesn’t mean we should give you preferential treatment.
The fifth complaint is: Why does this school not have more ROTC programs offered? Right now, there is only Air Force ROTC which means for me, being in the U.S. Army Reserves, I would have to drive all the way to South Bend to take part in an ROTC program for the Army.. The school should get all the ROTC programs on campus, but I think that will be difficult. The reason I believe this is the fact that a professor can openly tell an ROTC member that they cannot wear their uniform to that class anymore because the professor is a pacifist. If this is the mindset of the faculty here at VU, the campus is unlikely to get more ROTC programs.
Another thing I dislike is the fact that the ROTC courses do not count for graduation credit in the College of Arts and Sciences. I think the stuff the people who are in ROTC learn in those classes is just as useful than all the other classes offered by this university. Besides, if they counted as graduation credits more people might be willing to check out the ROTC program and find that it is what they really want to do. However, since our school apparently hates all of us military folk, that will most likely never happen.
Finally, since this school is so openly turning away from the Lutheran teachings, maybe they should stop accepting money from the LCMS . Maybe the next thing the campus will instate is handing out condoms to all of us college students who are having premarital sex, but only after midnight on weekdays and 2 a.m. on weekends. Hey, since it is totally against the Lutheran doctrine, maybe they will. Who knows with this school lately.
Well, my immediate thought was, "What a stupid cunt." Some of this stuff may be too local for anyone except VU students to get the implications . . . but oh, man. Now, this was after we'd already edited her column because it had several glaring factual inaccuracies in it. So I sent her a friendly email:
I am the assistant editor of The Torch; as such, I am unable to write
letters to the editor or to write a column in response to yours. But I
feel a need to address your crappy column from this past week. I have
absolutely no interest in going after your views on the ROTC or female
ordination, because I honestly don’t know much about the subjects and
couldn’t care less in the first place. But other issues . . .
You know, what I really liked about your column is the fact that you
are apparently too lazy to do any sort of research before you write it,
or you are perfectly willing to lie through your teeth to get your
point across, not caring who you mislead or hurt. Either way pretty
much speaks to a fairly sizeable lack of human worth on your part.
Even though we had to haul your lazy butt in here to correct something
that would have taken five minute’s worth of conversation in the Senate
office to get right in the first place, there are still some
inaccuracies in your column. (By the way, the fact that financial
self-sufficiency was the reason for denying mainline status to IVCF
fairly efficiently undercuts your argument that "the groups who support
the Lutheran doctrine" aren’t receiving any funds because they
discriminate against homosexuals. Did you not realize this, or just
not care how ineffectual your argument is?)
First, relating to
IVCF, you incorrectly state that they "tried to get their group
recognized by Student Senate so they could receive money from the
school, and they were denied." Not true. They were applying for
mainline status, which would give them a budget they would then work
within. IVCF can apply for money from Student Senate at any time, just
like every other group on campus. In fact, a way to rephrase the
reason for their denial was that they hadn’t asked often enough – they
couldn’t prove that they needed it. The ability for them to get money
has always been and still is there; it is not the fault of Student
Senate or even hellbound faggots that IVCF did not avail themselves of
it more often.
Watch the way you word your argument about the proposed (and now
failed) gender minority senate seat. You don’t have to go much farther
than the front page of the same issue of The Torch your column appeared
in. Alliance has about a hundred official members; ten of them signed
a petition for a seat. Alliance does not want a senate seat; Nic
Katona does. By the way, what does coming "from a ‘decent’ family"
have to do with being a minority? What is a "decent" family?
That pretty much takes care of the factual inaccuracies, but there’s
still the sheer stupidity of some of your arguments to address. The
court on whether gays "choose" to be a minority is still out, which you
don’t seem to be aware of, but . . . "Just because you want to openly
flaunt your sins to the world doesn’t mean we should give you
preferential treatment"? "If homosexuals wanted a support group, they
should have gone to a school that wasn’t as supportive of the Bible"?
You know, we have just got to force all non-Lutheran students off this
campus. Disband the Muslim Students’ Association. After all, their
organization and its purposes are scarcely in line with the Bible. I
dislike arguing for or against anything on Biblical evidence, but I
would like to point out that if you’re going to be a bigot, you should
be a consistent one. If you want to exclude all those who make
"lifestyle choices" which are not in keeping with Biblical teachings,
then you have to extend it to Muslims, Jews, Buddhists – yes, there are
some on campus – and quite probably Catholics.
(http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0071/0071_01.asp) Hey, they made
their choice to not be Christians and they’re all going to hell; they
should not be allowed to pollute this campus or, once here, should not
be allowed to form groups or try to convince others that they should be
tolerated just because they openly flaunt their sins to the world. Of
course, maybe you do believe all this; you appear to be just ignorant
enough to do so. In this case, I fully encourage you to write a
follow-up column which sets the record straight about these groups –
you don’t want to look like you’re giving them preferential treatment
because of their sinful status. If you don’t believe this, then I have
to say I don’t have much respect for your powers of logical thinking.
Just what, exactly, do you think the purpose of Alliance is? Why does
its simple existence make you foam so much at the mouth? It’s not a
place to hook up with others, if that’s what you’re thinking. People
are members for various reasons. Some are simply so disgusted with
what they feel that they have decided to lead lives of celibacy instead
of acting on their desires. They come to Alliance because they don’t
know anyone else who will support their decision of abstinence without
telling them they’re worthless. Is this inappropriate? Maybe they
should have killed themselves instead, or given themselves up to the
inevitability of their damnation and had sex with anything they could
catch. That way, they’d fit the stereotype of your own narrow mind
better, and the world could be a more ordered, comforting place for you.
There’s a difference between presenting reasoned arguments based on
personal opinion and being an ignorant shithead. Somewhere along the
way, you crossed the line.
Okay, maybe I don't mean "friendly," but "spewed hatred intended to make you cry, drop out of school, and become a trailer park manager." What can I say? I just do rage well. Fortunately, she took the time to carefully craft a response to my letter. Fortunate for The Torch office, anyway, because those of us here who read it laughed our asses off. All misspellings, grammar mistakes, and just plain idiocy are hers:
you may not of liked my article adn frankly i dont care if
you did or not. i wrote it becaue the last time i checked
my bible it states that if you stand by and let stuff go on
that is against god you are just as guilty as if you were
doing it yourself. if you want to know exactly where it
says that e-mail me back and i will let you know.
also, you want to know why i think there were only ten
signatures on the petition that was sent to all the people
of alliance is that there really arent that many gays on
campus. and if my assumption is correct why are we giving
them money to represent less than 3% of campus. besides i
really dont like the fact that my tuition money is being
used to support peoples choice of a sinful life.
about the other groups you mentioned i beg to differ.
last time i checked the jews do follow the bible. it is
called the old testiment. if people are jewish doesnt make
them wrong they just follow the laws from the old
testiment. plus the bible does say that christ came first
for the jew them for the gentile so i guess you are wrong
Buddhidts and muslims may not be christian but they do
follow their own laws. and if you take time to study those
religions you will see that most of what they follow is
very similar to christian beliefs.
and where do you get off saying catholics arent christian.
they do believe in christ therefore making them christian.
also do a quick review of sodom and gomorah, roamn empire,
and the greek empire. see why they all fell. then tell me
if you dont see america going down the same paths as the
above mentioned cities and empires.
if you want to condone homosexuality by all means go for
it, it isnt my soul that will be in jeopardy. and keep in
mind we are on a LUTHERAN campus that follows the BIBLE,
that if it werent for those two reasons i wouldnt of
written that article.
[Erin Krueger]
Yeah, this is what she sounds like without an editor. Well, naturally I was delighted to receive a response, because I was sort of stressed out at the time about some of my classwork, and this gave me a chance to do some recreational writing. So I wrote back to her. Sorry if this is a little confusing; I kept the text of her original letter in order to respond more or less point-by-point. To make this easier, my comments are the only ones indented:
you may not of liked my article adn frankly i dont care if
you did or not.
You don’t care that the obvious implications of your inaccuracies are
either that you are lazy or a liar? What an odd little amoral creature
you are. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at your inconsistency at
this point in time, but I thought you came from a "decent" family which
would disapprove of these things.
i wrote it becaue the last time i checked
my bible it states that if you stand by and let stuff go on
that is against god you are just as guilty as if you were
doing it yourself. if you want to know exactly where it
says that e-mail me back and i will let you know.
That’s quite all right – I am not a Christian and it’s therefore fairly
useless to quote the Bible at me in an attempt to convince me of
something. I can, however, use it in arguments against you, as you
have stated that you draw your moral conclusions from it. And, if you
like, I can show you just where the Bible says a woman shouldn’t dress
like a man. You hussy.
also, you want to know why i think there were only ten
signatures on the petition that was sent to all the people
of alliance is that there really arent that many gays on
Trust me, there’s more than ten. [Otto Internet additional: Actually, my favorite comment came from a big gay friend, who said, "Ten? I've KISSED more guys than that."
and if my assumption is correct why are we giving
them money to represent less than 3% of campus.
. . . what? When did money come into this? Are you just making things
up, now? If you’ll remember correctly, the original issue was about
representation, not finances. It’s not as though getting the seat
would have given Alliance more money. And even if you really are
trying to talk about request for funds in your own confusing illogical
way and you do consider giving money to a group because it’s small
inappropriate, why aren’t you in there every week protesting, say, VUDU
comedy’s request for funds? They have a membership about one-tenth of
besides i
really dont like the fact that my tuition money is being
used to support peoples choice of a sinful life.
And if I had my way, I would deny funding to IVCF, College Republicans,
and any hint of an idea of scholarship money for people who make up
those groups or people like you, who spit blood and venom to tell other
people they’re pieces of shit and then somehow think you’re entitled to
about the other groups you mentioned i beg to differ.
last time i checked the jews do follow the bible. it is
called the old testiment. if people are jewish doesnt make
them wrong they just follow the laws from the old
testiment. plus the bible does say that christ came first
for the jew them for the gentile so i guess you are wrong
. . . and Jews don’t believe that Christ was the Messiah, so I guess
you’re wrong there. You, incidentally, don’t seem to be a very good
Christian. I thought that the Bible was supposed to be the
incontrovertible word of God. Maybe I was wrong. The Jews on this
campus and in most of the world have had multiple chances to accept
Christ and the Gospel and haven’t. You could even say that it’s more
sinful of them to have denied him because he supposedly came especially
for them. Unless you can find something in the Bible to argue that
this is wrong:
"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes
to the Father except through me." (John
Chapter 14 verse 6)
Jews surely do seem to be one of the people you should classify as
hell-bound sinners. Must be nice to be able to just blatantly ignore
parts of the Bible when you realize that it forces you to make some
very unpopular statements. Oh, trashing queers is fine, but yell about
the Jews and you know you’d have half of campus on your back.
Buddhidts and muslims may not be christian but they do
follow their own laws. and if you take time to study those
religions you will see that most of what they follow is
very similar to christian beliefs.
Same thing applies to them as to the Jews, only more so. Do you
suddenly just have to follow some sort of laws that have vague
resemblances to Christianity to be a Christian, now? Sure is a
surprise to me. Seems to me that if you say that people so obviously
sinners in their continued refusal of Christianity aren’t going to hell
(which really, you should, to be a consistent Christian, you know), you
could let in a few homosexual Christians. There are plenty on this
campus, who follow the same Biblical guidelines you do and refrain from
sex. After all, there are prohibitions in both the Old and New
Testaments against lying or laziness, and you sure seem to have screwed
up one or both of those – and not a mention of repentance for it, I
and where do you get off saying catholics arent christian.
they do believe in christ therefore making them christian.
What, you’re suddenly changing your definition of what it takes to not
go to hell?
I have many, many sources which beg to differ with you about
Catholicism: http://website.lineone.net/~lwbc/catholicism.htm
All of these contain Biblical as well as historical evidence proving
that Catholics are not Christians and I must say are much better
constructed than anything you’ve ever submitted. [Otto's Internet additional: no, I don't hate Catholics; yes, I do think Catholics are Christian. But the arguments of the insane religious right are great to use against the arguments of the stupid religious right.]
also do a quick review of sodom and gomorah, roamn empire,
and the greek empire. see why they all fell.
Let’s see . . . Greece fell to Rome, and then the traditional religion
of Rome was thrown out by a succession of Christian emperors who had
such poor management skills that the city was eventually weakened
enough to get its ass kicked by the Germans. If you’re implying that
we shouldn’t put Christians in charge because they’ll fuck everything
up, I agree. Maybe you should REALLY start researching things before
you use them as support for your arguments.
Sodom and Gomorrah . . . well, again, I’m not one for Bible-banging,
but as you are:
then tell me
if you dont see america going down the same paths as the
above mentioned cities and empires.
Yeah, I think evil and stupid Christians are starting to take over, and
it scares the hell out of me. Which is why I’m doing my part.
if you want to condone homosexuality by all means go for
it, it isnt my soul that will be in jeopardy.
Well, at least your soul’s safe, as you obviously don’t have a mind to
and keep in
mind we are on a LUTHERAN campus that follows the BIBLE,
that if it werent for those two reasons i wouldnt of
written that article.
And we all would have been living in a world with a little less
stupidity and ugliness in it. Well, if you’d (again) do some research
on what the LUTHERAN position on homosexuality and the BIBLE was, you’d
know that the ELCA does not as yet have an official position and cannot
endorse your argument. Of course, if you must insist with Mr. Adler [Otto Internet additional: long story on this you really don't need to know, just that he's the resident crazy fuckwad even the conservatives dislike being associated with.]
that people in the ELCA are not real Lutherans, I must again point to
the evidence that you don’t really seem to be a real Christian.
It is a damaging American myth that we are all entitled to our
opinions. This is not true. You are not entitled to an opinion;
you are entitled to an informed opinion. There’s a big difference,
and until you know jack shit about absolutely anything, I suggest you
not display your idiocy so prominently. Even after spending two years
as the Opinions Editor, the ability of people to be stupid assholes never
fails to surprise me. I've printed more stupid articles than yours,
but seldom ones so stupid, arrogant and cruel. And as far as your
email went – I mean, come on, there’s a spell check built into
practically every word processing program more advanced than Notepad,
including Simeon. Use the damn thing.
I never heard from her after that. Presumably, she either realized that she wasn't going to win because she was wrong (unlikely) or because I was too heavily mentally damaged to continue to talk to (more probable). There were several letters to the editor the week afterwards calling her a stupid fuckwad as well, but this is my page, so screw 'em, I had better points anyway. I have no idea if I'm really allowed to take all this and put it on the Internet, but hey. VU can kiss my pasty white ass if they don't like it. Krueger can be killed in combat, if she so wishes.
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